Tony Serra

Tony Serra

Tony Serra. Courtroom sketch by artist Paulette Frankl
Born December 30, 1934
San Francisco, California
Nationality United States
Education Stanford, B.A.
Alma mater California
Occupation Lawyer

J. Tony Serra is an American civil rights lawyer, activist and tax resister from San Francisco.



Serra received a bachelor's of art in philosophy from Stanford University and a law degree from Boalt Hall School of Law, UC-Berkeley.


He was the subject of the 1989 movie True Believer about a Chinatown (San Francisco) murder case in which he won an acquittal for Chol Soo Lee, the defendant. He also successfully defended Black Panther leader Huey Newton in a murder trial and represented individuals from groups as diverse and politically charged as the White Panthers, Hells Angels, Earth First!, and New World Liberation Front (NWLF). Some of these individuals include Brownie Mary, Dennis Peron, Hooty Croy, Ellie Nesler, and Symbionese Liberation Army members Sara Jane Olson, Russell Little and Michael Bortin. Serra, in 2004, won an acquittal during a retrial on murder charges for co-defendant Rick Tabish in the death of casino mogul Ted Binion.[1]

Serra won the Trial Lawyer of the Year award in 2003 (by the organization Trial Lawyers for Public Justice), for his successful litigation of Judi Bari against the FBI.[1]

Serra has taken a vow of poverty and is known for living a frugal lifestyle and driving a run-down car.[2] All income from his cases is distributed to other lawyers except for a very small portion that he uses to pay rent and gas. All of his clothes (including suits, briefcases, shoes etc.) are bought secondhand.[3]

Serra has been in trouble with the law several times for failure to pay income taxes. He refused to pay taxes in protest of the War in Iraq, based on his conviction that the Bush administration was leading the country in the wrong direction and that he would therefore not contribute any money to fund what he saw as Bush's corrupt politics. On July 29, 2005, he was sentenced to 10 months in federal prison, to be served at Lompoc, and ordered to pay $100,000 in restitution for a misdemeanor conviction of willful failure to pay taxes.[4] Serra was released from the federal camp in Lompoc, California, in mid February 2007, reporting immediately to a San Francisco halfway house. He was released from federal custody, and the halfway house, on March 13, 2007, after serving out his sentence [2]. Along with three other attorneys, Serra filed a class-action lawsuit seeking minimum wages for himself and other inmates, citing slave wages as unconstitutional.[5]


Tony has two younger brothers, Richard Serra, a prominent sculptor, and Rudy Serra, also a noted artist.[6] Richard paid for the college educations of Tony's five children.

High profile cases

Huey Newton, Black Panthers; White Panthers; Russel Little, SLA; NWLF; Hell's Angels; Chol Soo Lee; Hooty Croy; Brownie Mary; Ellie Nesler; Bear Lincoln; Sara Jane Olson a.k.a. Kathleen Soliah, SLA; Judi Barry and Darryl Cherney v. FBI; Michael Bortin, SLA; Rick Tabish, Las Vegas Binion Case; Rod Coranado, ELF; BALCO, Barry Bonds' trainer Greg Anderson.


Runner up, "Best Lawyer in America," American Lawyer magazine, 1982; Drug Policy Foundation Achievement in the Field of Law, 1992; Boalt Hall "Alumnus of the Year, 1993; Charles Garry Award, 1994; ACLU Benjamin Dreyfus Civil Liberties Award, 1997; California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, 2000, "Ten Best Criminal Defense Attorneys of the Century;" McFetridge-American Inn of court, Co-Awardee "2003 Trial Lawyer of the Year"; Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, "Certificate of Honor, December 1, 2005;" Criminal Trial Lawyers Association of Northern California, "2005 Gideon Equal Justice Award;" 2008 NORML Lester Grinspoon Award, "For Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Marijuana Law Reform"


In October 2010, a biography of Serra, LUST FOR JUSTICE: The Radical Life & Law of J. Tony Serra, written by courtroom artist Paulette Frankl with a foreword by criminal defense attorney Gerry Spence, was released.[7]


External links